A Small Pottery Studio in Alaska...
What does it take to run a small pottery studio full time in Alaska?
Well to tell the truth it takes a lot of money and hard work. You have to go out and make money to pay for your supplies and shipping to Alaska. As far as making a profit, I am still trying to figure that out.
I recently became a full time potter. I have been able to throw pots on the potters wheel for a long time but I always worked at another job and did pottery on the side. I couldn't concentrate on "just" pottery. A couple of years ago I found myself wanting to spend all my time in the studio and when I had to go to that other job, it was hard to break away. I was at a place in my life that I felt it was time to dedicate myself to my artwork. I am very lucky I have the opportunity to now work primarily in the studio.
I spend most days in the studio working or cleaning and somedays I am out selling pottery in local venues. I love to be in the studio, working and creating things I love.